Preliminary log file only. During closing of MeGUI the well formed log file will be written.
-[Information] Versions
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:57] MeGUI: 2715
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:57] Operating System: Windows 7 x64 SP1 (6.1.65536.7601)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:57] .NET Framework: 4.0 (
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:57] .NET Framework: 4.7 (4.7.02053)
-[Information] Update detection
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:57] Using cached update config and server:
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:57] AviSynth portable: (21-09-2015) (active)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] No package requires an update
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] AvisynthWrapper: (02-01-2009)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] Haali Media Splitter: not installed
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] Haali DSS2: not installed
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib: (07-08-2008)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] MediaInfo: (30-03-2017)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] MediaInfoWrapper: (06-01-2013)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] MessageBoxExLib: 1.0.2218.28317 (19-12-2008)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] SevenZipSharp: 0.64.3890.29348 (02-01-2011)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:32:58] 7z: 9.20 (18-11-2010)
-[Information] Log for job11 (video, 08.Встречная полоса.(2017)Серый1779.Files-x.ts.avs -> )
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:15] Started handling job
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:15] Preprocessing
-[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\MeGUI\tools\lsmash\LSMASHSource.dll ")
-[NoImage] LWLibavVideoSource("D:\Встречная полоса.(2017).DVB.Files-x\08.Встречная полоса.(2017)Серый1779.Files-x.ts")
-[NoImage] #deinterlace
-[NoImage] #crop
-[NoImage] LanczosResize(720,400) # Lanczos (Sharp)
-[NoImage] #denoise
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:15] Avisynth input script
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] resolution: 720x400
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] frame rate: 25/1
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] aspect ratio: 9:5 (1.800)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] Job command line: "C:\MeGUI\tools\xvid_encraw\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "D:\Встречная полоса.(2017).DVB.Files-x\08.Встречная полоса.(2017)Серый1779.Files-x.ts.avs" -pass1 "D:\Встречная полоса.(2017).DVB.Files-x\08.Встречная полоса.(2017)Серый1779.Files-x.ts.stats" -bitrate 1700 -max_bframes 4 -par 1
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] Process started
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] Standard output stream
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] Standard error stream
---[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert
---[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] Trying to retrieve width and height from input header
---[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:18] Can't open avi/avs file D:\Встречная полоса.(2017).DVB.Files-x\08.Встречная полоса.(2017)Серый1779.Files-x.ts.avs
[Error] [03.07.2017 13:33:19] Process exits with error: 0xFFFFFFFF (-1)
--[Information] [03.07.2017 13:33:19] Job completed